
4.4 ( 3224 ratings )
Redes sociais Entretenimento
Developer: Linda Wang

Your personal "talkpump" of the city. Discover the people around you. Share your story, know theirs. Its a big world out there - go join it.

> share your story, whether through text or a picture or both
> sign in to your current location
> post your story
> comment or like a story
> identity not anonymous so /Users/lindarellawang/Documents/Soopin/Old UI/4.0b.jpgyou can get to know your city and your city can get to know you
> video features to be added shortly

It’s your life and you are the star, the main character of your own story. You write the pages and create the characters. Every day, countless faces blur past you as merely part of the scenery. Yet, every nameless face you glanced at, and perhaps even wondered about is also the center of their own story. Their life is just as colorful and intricate as your own.

In the midst of a sea of people rushing by each day, your story seems to also get lost in the crowd. You are not alone. The grandpa sitting next to you on the train, the woman across the street with the flaming red hair or the wild eyed girl seemingly always in a rush for something: these are the stories you will never know.

Still, it’s your city and your people, these are the stories you are willing to share and willing to hear. Where you live shouldn’t feel foreign or strange, and neither should the people in it.

Welcome to soopin; where you do get to know the stories and where do you get to share your stories. You are directly connected to your city at the palm of your hands. You no longer have to feel like a stranger to your own city.

We dont revolve around the friends list or the followers list; it’s just you and your city. Your posts go up directly to your city based on your location as with all the other posts. You get to know your city and most importantly, the people that make up it.

And if you are just dropping by somewhere, say hi to the locals. It always feels good to welcome and be welcomed.

Download Soopin. This is your city. This is your story.